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on the town是什么意思,on the town的翻译,on the town音

一:on the town是什么意思

on the town是一个英语短语,常用来形容某人或某些人外出活动、享受夜生活的状态。它可以指在城市或镇上的任何地方,如餐厅、酒吧、俱乐部等。它也可以指参加各种社交活动,如聚会、派对等。总的来说,on the town表示某人正在享受城市的夜生活。

on the town的翻译

on the town的中文翻译为“在城市里”,也可以译为“外出闲逛”。在不同的语境下,它还可以翻译为“出门玩乐”、“夜游”、“夜生活”等。

on the town是什么意思,on the town的翻译,on the town音

on the town音

on the town的音标为/ɒn ðə taʊn/。


/ɒn ðə taʊn/


1. on the town作为短语使用时,常放在句末,表示某人正在享受城市的夜生活。

例:We are going out on the town tonight.(今晚我们要出去玩了。)

2. on the town也可作为形容词使用,修饰名词。

例:They had a great time at their on-the-town party.(他们在外出聚会上玩得很开心。)


1. After a long week at work, I can't wait to go out on the town with my friends tonight.


2. The young couple dressed up and went on the town for their anniversary.


3. The city is full of life at night, with people on the town until the early hours of the morning.


4. They decided to have a quiet night in instead of going on the town like they usually do.


5. He always spends too much money when he's on the town, but he doesn't care as long as he's having fun.



1. go out: 出门、外出

2. have a night out: 外出度过一个晚上

3. party: 聚会、派对

4. enjoy the nightlife: 享受夜生活


on the town是一个常用的英语短语,用来形容某人正在享受城市的夜生活。它可以指在城市或镇上的任何地方,也可以指参加各种社交活动。在使用时,需要根据具体语境来理解其意思。同时,它也可以作为形容词使用,修饰名词。除了on the town之外,还有一些同义词可以表示相同的意思,如go out、have a night out、party等。在撰写文章时,应注意使用正确的语境和语法,并避免重复使用同一词汇。


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