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on the beach是什么意思,on the beach的解释


怎么读(音标):[ɒn ðə biːtʃ]

用法:on the beach是一个常用的短语,指的是在海滩或者海边。它可以作为介词短语,也可以作为名词短语使用。

on the beach是什么意思,on the beach的解释

例句1:We spent the whole afternoon on the beach, enjoying the sunshine and the sound of waves.(我们整个下午都在海滩上度过,享受阳光和海浪的声音。)

例句2:There are many activities to do on the beach, such as swimming, sunbathing, and building sandcastles.(在海滩上有很多活动可以做,比如游泳、晒太阳和堆沙堡。)

例句3:We found a nice spot on the beach to have a picnic and watch the sunset.(我们在海滩上找到一个很好的地方野餐,并观看日落。)

例句4:The hotel we stayed at was right on the beach, so we could easily go for a walk or swim anytime we wanted.(我们住的酒店就在海滩边,所以我们随时都可以去散步或游泳。)

例句5:The movie they filmed on this beach became a big hit and attracted many tourists to visit.(他们在这个海滩拍摄的电影大获成功,吸引了许多游客前来参观。)

同义词及用法:at the beach(在海滩上)、by the seaside(在海边)、on the shore(在岸边)

编辑总结:on the beach是一个常用的短语,指的是在海滩或者海边。它可以作为介词短语,也可以作为名词短语使用。同义词包括at the beach、by the seaside和on the shore。无论是游泳、晒太阳还是欣赏美景,都可以在海滩上找到乐趣。


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