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oilily是什么意思? oilily翻译(中文文):油似地, 光滑地,

一:oilily是什么意思? oilily翻译(中文文):油似地, 光滑地,的意思是指某物或某人具有油一样的光滑、滑溜的质感或外观。



oilily是什么意思? oilily翻译(中文文):油似地, 光滑地,


1. Her hair was styled oilily, giving it a sleek and shiny appearance. 她的头发被打理得油亮光滑,看起来非常时尚。

2. The car glided oilily down the road, its polished exterior reflecting the sunlight. 汽车在路上轻盈地行驶着,它抛光的外表反射着阳光。

3. The chef added a dash of oil to the pan and swirled it around oilily before adding the vegetables. 厨师往锅里加了一点油,在加入蔬菜之前将其搅拌得像油一样流畅。

4. The ice skater moved across the rink oilily, her movements graceful and effortless. 滑冰运动员在冰上优雅地滑行,动作轻盈流畅。

5. The oilily painted canvas depicted a serene beach scene, with the waves gently lapping against the shore. 那幅油彩画描绘了一幅宁静的海滩景象,海浪轻轻拍打着岸边。


1. Smoothly:指表面平整、光滑,常用来形容某物的外观或表面质感。:The silk fabric felt smoothly against her skin. (丝绸面料在她的皮肤上感觉光滑。)

2. Sleekly:指某物具有流线型或时尚的外观,通常用来形容车辆或时尚服饰。:The sports car drove sleekly down the highway. (跑车在高速公路上飞驰。)

3. Glossy:指某物表面光泽强烈,常用来形容杂志、书籍等印刷品。:The magazine cover was glossy and eye-catching. (杂志封面色彩鲜艳、引人注目。)

4. Lustrous:指某物具有明亮、闪耀的质感,常用来形容珠宝、金属等贵重的物品。:Her lustrous diamond ring caught everyone's attention. (她闪耀的钻戒吸引了所有人的注意力。)



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