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numb什么意思? numb翻译(中文文):麻木的, 失去知觉 hellip

一:numb什么意思? numb翻译(中文文):麻木的, 失去知觉 hellip

numb什么意思? numb翻译(中文文):麻木的, 失去知觉 hellip




1. My hands were numb from the cold. 我的手因为寒冷而麻木。

2. The dentist gave me an injection and my mouth went numb. 牙医给我打了一针,我的嘴巴变得麻木了。

3. She was so shocked by the news that she felt numb all over. 她被这个消息震惊得全身都麻木了。

4. After sitting in the same position for hours, my legs had gone numb. 坐了几个小时之后,我的腿已经麻木了。

5. The cold water made his feet go numb. 冰冷的水让他的脚变得麻木。


1. Numb与numbness都是名词,指身体或感觉失去知觉。:I couldn't feel anything because of the numbness in my fingers.

2. Deaden是动词,指使某物或某人失去感觉。:The doctor used an anesthetic to deaden the pain.

3. Insensible是形容词,指没有感觉或意识。:He was so drunk that he was completely insensible to what was happening around him.

4. Paralyzed是形容词,指身体或部分身体失去运动能力。:He is paralyzed from the waist down after a car accident.

5. Unfeeling是形容词,指缺乏同情心或感情。:He is unfeeling towards other people's suffering.




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