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noticeable是什么意思? noticeable翻译(中文文):显而易


noticeable是什么意思? noticeable翻译(中文文):显而易



- The changes in her appearance were noticeable. (她外表的变化很明显。)

- There was a noticeable improvement in his work. (他的工作有了明显的改善。)

- The difference between the two products is not noticeable. (这两种产品之间的差异并不明显。)


1. The smell of freshly baked bread was noticeable as soon as I entered the bakery. (我一进面包店就闻到了新鲜出炉的面包味道。)

2. There has been a noticeable decline in the number of tourists visiting this city. (来这个城市旅游的游客数量明显减少了。)

3. Her new haircut was so noticeable that everyone at the party complimented her on it. (她剪了新发型,引起了大家的注意,每个人都在赞美她。)

4. The difference in their personalities is quite noticeable – one is outgoing and talkative, while the other is shy and quiet. (他们性格上的差异很明显,一个外向健谈,另一个害羞安静。)

5. The company has made noticeable progress in reducing its carbon footprint over the past year. (公司在过去一年里在减少碳排放方面取得了明显的进展。)


1. Obvious:意为“明显的,显而易见的”,与noticeable意思相近,但更强调事物的明确性和不容忽视性。:The mistake was so obvious that even a child could see it. (这个错误太明显了,就连小孩子都能看出来。)

2. Evident:意为“明显的,清楚的”,也可以表示“证据”。与noticeable相比,evident更强调事物的可信度和确凿性。:There is evident improvement in his language skills. (他的语言能力有明显提高。)

3. Apparent:意为“明显的,表面上的”,也可以表示“显然的”。与noticeable相比,apparent更强调事物表面上看来就是如此,并不需要深入观察或分析。:There is an apparent mistake in this report. (这份报告中有一个明显的错误。)

4. Prominent:意为“突出的,杰出的”,也可以表示“著名的”。与noticeable相比,prominent更强调事物的重要性和显著性。:He is a prominent figure in the business world. (他是商界的一位杰出人物。)




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