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night light什么意思? night light翻译(中文文):夜间照


night light什么意思? night light翻译(中文文):夜间照

怎么读(音标):[naɪt laɪt]

用法:night light通常放置在卧室、走廊或儿童房间等地方,用来提供光线,让人在夜间起床或走动时不至于被黑暗吓到。它也可以作为一个安全措施,防止人们在黑暗中摔倒或碰撞。


1. My daughter is afraid of the dark, so we always leave a night light on in her room. (我的女儿害怕黑暗,所以我们总是把夜间照留在她的房间里。)

2. The night light in the hallway provides enough light for me to find my way to the bathroom at night. (走廊上的夜间照为我提供足够的光线,在晚上找到去洗手间的路。)

3. I always keep a night light on when I have guests staying over, so they don't get lost in the dark. (我有客人过夜时总是开着夜间照,这样他们就不会在黑暗中迷路了。)

4. The night light in the nursery is dim enough to not disturb the baby's sleep. (婴儿房的夜间照光线柔和,不会打扰宝宝的睡眠。)

5. I prefer using a night light instead of turning on the main lights when I need to get up in the middle of the night. (当我需要在半夜起床时,我更喜欢使用夜间照而不是打开主灯。)

同义词及用法:night light的同义词包括bedside lamp、night lamp、nightlight等,它们都指代夜间使用的小型灯具。可以根据个人喜好选择不同的词来描述夜间照。


夜间照是一种提供柔和光线的小型灯具,通常用于卧室、走廊或儿童房间等地方。它可以作为一个安全措施,也能帮助人们在黑暗中找到方向。除了night light,还有其他一些同义词可以用来描述这种小型灯具。


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