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network service是什么意思? network service翻译(中文

一:network service是什么意思? network service翻译(中文的意思

network service指的是网络服务,是指通过互联网或其他网络提供的各种服务。它可以包括但不限于电子邮件、网站托管、在线存储、视频等服务。


['ˈnɛtwərk ˈsɜːrvɪs]

network service是什么意思? network service翻译(中文


network service通常用作一个名词短语,可以作为主语或宾语出现在句子中。:

- The company provides various network services to its clients.


- We need to upgrade our network service to accommodate the increasing demand.



1. The network service provider is experiencing technical difficulties, causing disruptions for its customers.


2. In today's digital age, having reliable network service is crucial for businesses to stay competitive.


3. The company offers a range of network services, including cloud storage and virtual private networks.


4. The network service was down for several hours, causing inconvenience for its users.


5. With the rise of remote work, the demand for secure and efficient network services has increased significantly.



- Internet service:互联网服务,与network service指代的范围相同,但更强调是通过互联网提供的服务。

- Telecommunication service:电信服务,指通过电信设备提供的通信服务,也包括网络服务。

- Connectivity service:连接服务,强调提供连接功能的服务,如、视频等。


network service是指通过互联网或其他网络提供的各种服务。它可以包括电子邮件、网站托管、在线存储、视频等多种形式。在当今数字时代,可靠高效的网络服务对于企业和个人都至关重要。除了常见的network service外,还有Internet service、telecommunication service和connectivity service等同义词可以使用。


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