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negative什么意思? negative翻译(中文文):否定, 负数,

1. 怎么读(音标):[ˈnɛɡətɪv]

2. 用法:作为形容词,negative表示“否定的,消极的,不利的”,作为名词,表示“否定的话语或观点”。在数学中,negative指的是负数。此外,在电影或照片中,negative也可以指底片。

3. 例句:

negative什么意思? negative翻译(中文文):否定, 负数,

a) The teacher gave a negative response to the student's request for an extension on the assignment. (老师对学生延期要求做出了否定回应。)

b) The negative effects of climate change are becoming increasingly evident. (气候变化的负面影响越来越明显。)

c) The number -5 is a negative number. (-5是一个负数。)

d) She developed the film and was disappointed to find that most of the prints were blurry due to a poorly exposed negative. (她冲洗了胶卷,但大部分照片都模糊不清,因为底片曝光不足。)

e) The politician's speech was filled with negative remarks about his opponent. (这位家的演讲中充满了对手的负面评论。)

4. 同义词及用法:

a) adverse:指不利的、有害的、不良影响的。

b) pessimistic:指悲观、消极、厌世。

c) contradictory:指相互矛盾的、互相抵触的。

d) minus:指负号、减去。

e) denial:指否认、拒绝接受。

5. 编辑总结:



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