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neath是什么意思? neath翻译(中文文):在之下 hellip


neath是什么意思? neath翻译(中文文):在之下 hellip



【例句1】The sun sank neath the horizon, painting the sky with shades of pink and orange.


【例句2】The treasure was hidden neath the old oak tree.


【例句3】The villagers built their homes neath the protection of the mountains.


【例句4】The cat curled up neath the warm blanket, purring contentedly.


【例句5】She found a peaceful spot neath a willow tree to read her book.




1. underneath:比较正式,多用于书面语,表示“在……的下方”或“在……的内部”。

2. beneath:比较正式,多用于书面语,表示“在……的下方”或“在……的底部”。

3. below:比较口语化,多用于口语和书面语,表示“在……的下方”或“低于”。




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