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nazar是什么意思? nazar翻译(中文文):礼物,贡品 hellip

怎么读(音标): nazar [nɑːzər]

用法: nazar作为名词,表示礼物或者贡品,通常用于仪式或者庆祝活动中。


1. The bride's family presented a nazar to the groom's family as a symbol of their love and blessings. 新娘家族向新郎家族赠送一件nazar作为他们爱意和祝福的象征。

nazar是什么意思? nazar翻译(中文文):礼物,贡品 hellip

2. In Turkish culture, it is common to give a nazar amulet to someone as a protective charm against the evil eye. 在土耳其文化中,人们常常会把nazar护身符送给别人,作为防止邪眼的保护符。

3. The nazar is believed to have the power to ward off negative energy and bring good luck to its wearer. 人们相信nazar有着驱散负能量和带来好运的力量。

4. During the festival, people hang nazar decorations in their homes and wear them as jewelry for protection and good fortune. 节日期间,人们会在家里挂上nazar装饰品,并佩戴它们作为饰品,以求保护和好运。

5. The word "nazar" comes from the Arabic word "nazara," which means "to look" or "to see." 单词“nazar”源自语单词“nazara”,意为“看”或“看见”。


1. Amulet: 护身符,符咒,也可以用作nazar的同义词。

2. Charm: 魅力,魔力,也可以指护身符或者nazar。

3. Talisman: 符咒,护身符,也可以指nazar。

4. Token: 象征物,礼物,贡品,也可以指nazar作为礼物的象征。

5. Offering: 献上的礼物,贡品,也可以用来指nazar作为仪式的贡品。




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