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nature of business什么意思? nature of business翻译(中

一:nature of business什么意思? nature of business翻译(中的意思是指一家公司或企业所从事的主要业务或经营范围。它描述了该公司的核心业务领域,包括产品或服务类型、目标市场、客户群体等。

nature of business什么意思? nature of business翻译(中

二:怎么读(音标):[ˈneɪtʃər əv ˈbɪznəs]

三:用法:nature of business通常作为一个短语使用,在句子中作为主语、宾语或定语,常见搭配有“understand/know/define the nature of business”、“change/expand/diversify the nature of business”等。


1. The nature of our business is to provide high-quality IT solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. (我们的业务性质是为中小型企业提供高质量的IT解决方案。)

2. It is important for entrepreneurs to clearly define the nature of their business before starting their venture. (创业者在开始创业之前,清楚地定义他们的业务性质是非常重要的。)

3. The company has changed its nature of business from manufacturing to consulting in recent years. (近年来,该公司将其业务性质从制造业转变为咨询服务。)

4. We need to diversify the nature of our business in order to adapt to the changing market demands. (为了适应不断变化的市场需求,我们需要多元化我们的业务性质。)

5. The nature of their business makes it difficult for them to compete with larger companies in the same industry. (他们的业务性质使得他们很难与同行业的大型公司竞争。)

五:同义词及用法:business nature、nature of work、type of business等都可以表示“业务性质”,在不同场合下可以互换使用。

六:编辑总结:nature of business是指一家公司或企业所从事的主要业务或经营范围,它描述了该公司的核心业务领域。在商业交流中,准确理解和表达某家公司的业务性质对于建立商业关系和合作至关重要。因此,建议在使用时注意语境,避免混淆或误解。


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