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nail up是什么意思,nail up的解释

意思:nail up是一个动词短语,意为用钉子固定或封闭某物。

怎么读(音标):[neɪl ʌp]

用法:nail up通常用于口语和书面语中,可以作为及物动词使用。它的主语通常是指人,而宾语则是指被钉或被封闭的物体。

nail up是什么意思,nail up的解释


1. The carpenter will nail up the loose boards on the fence. (木匠将会把篱笆上松动的木板钉牢。)

2. She used a hammer to nail up the picture frame. (她用锤子把画框钉起来。)

3. The landlord nailed up the notice on the door. (房东在门上贴了。)

4. I need to nail up these boxes before we can move them. (我们需要把这些箱子钉好才能搬运。)

5. The windows were nailed up to prevent break-ins during the storm. (窗户被钉上以防止暴风雨期间的入室盗窃。)


1. Hammer in: 意为“敲入”,也可以表示用锤子把东西固定在一起。

例句:He hammered in the last nail to finish the job.


2. Seal up: 意为“封闭”,也可以表示用封条或胶水把容器密封起来。

例句:The package was sealed up tightly to prevent any damage during shipping.


3. Board up: 意为“用木板封闭”,通常用于窗户或门。

例句:The abandoned house was boarded up to keep trespassers out.


4. Fix in place: 意为“固定在某处”,也可以表示安排好某物的位置。

例句:The shelves were fixed in place with screws and brackets.


5. Secure: 意为“固定”,也可以表示使安全或保护某物。

例句:Please make sure the gate is securely closed before you leave.



nail up是一个常见的动词短语,意为用钉子固定或封闭某物。它的同义词有hammer in、seal up、board up等,都可以表示类似的意思。在使用时要注意主语和宾语的搭配,并根据具体情况选择合适的动词短语。


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