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1. The population of the city has been multiplying rapidly in recent years. 近年来,这个城市的人口数量迅速增加。

2. The bacteria are multiplying at an alarming rate. 细菌以惊人的速度繁殖。


3. Multiplying two negative numbers results in a positive number. 两个负数相乘得到一个正数。

4. The company is planning to expand its business by multiplying its production capacity. 公司计划通过增加生产能力来扩大业务规模。

5. The rumor about the celebrity's death has been multiplying on social media, but it has been confirmed to be false. 关于这位名人去世的谣言在社交媒体上不断扩散,但已被证实为假。

同义词及用法:multiply, increase, grow, reproduce。这些词都可以表示数量或者规模的增加,但是有些细微差别。multiply通常指通过重复或者相乘来增加数量;increase指逐渐增加;grow指自然生长或者逐渐增加;reproduce指生物繁殖或者复制物品。:

1. The company's profits have multiplied by 10 in the past year. 过去一年,公司的利润增加了10倍。

2. The government plans to increase taxes next year. 计划明年增加税收。

3. The plants in my garden have grown significantly since I fertilized them. 自从我施肥后,我花园里的植物显著增长。

4. These bacteria can reproduce every 20 minutes under ideal conditions. 在理想条件下,这些细菌每20分钟就可以繁殖一次。



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