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意思:MOS是英文“mean opinion score”的缩写,意为“平均意见得分”,是一种用来衡量人们对某一事物的满意程度的指标。

怎么读:[mɛn əˈpɪnjən skɔr]



例句1:Our new product has received an MOS of 4.5 out of 5, which shows that our customers are highly satisfied with it.(我们的新产品获得了4.5分的MOS,这表明我们的客户对它非常满意。)

例句2:The MOS for the customer service department has improved significantly since we implemented the new training program.(自从我们实施了新的培训计划后,客户服务部门的MOS有了显著提高。)

例句3:The company's overall MOS has decreased due to the recent product recall.(由于最近产品召回,公司整体的MOS有所下降。)

例句4:According to the latest survey, the MOS for our website's user interface is only 2.8, which means we need to make some improvements.(根据最新调查,我们网站用户界面的MOS只有2.8,这意味着我们需要做一些改进。)

例句5:The MOS for the hotel's breakfast buffet was 4.6, indicating that the guests were very satisfied with the food and service.(酒店早餐自助餐的MOS为4.6,表明客人对食物和服务非常满意。)

同义词及用法:MOS的同义词包括“customer satisfaction score”、“satisfaction rating”、“approval rating”等,它们都是用来衡量人们对某一事物满意程度的指标。



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