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1. recovery是指恢复、复原的过程或状态。通常用来描述人或物体从受伤、疾病、损伤等不良状态中恢复到健康、正常的过程。

2. recovery的读音为 [rɪˈkʌvəri],读法为“ri-KUH-vuh-ree”。

3. recovery的用例:

- The patient is making a good recovery after the surgery.


- The company's financial recovery plan was successful.


- It took him a long time to make a full recovery from the accident.


- The city is still struggling with its economic recovery after the natural disaster.


- Recovery from drug addiction can be a long and difficult process.


4. 组词:

- recover (v.) 恢复、复原

- recoverable (adj.) 可恢复的

- recovered (adj.) 已经恢复的

- recovering (adj.) 正在恢复中的

- recoverer (n.) 恢复者

5. recovery的中英文对照:

| 中文 | 英文 |

| --- | --- |

| 恢复 | recovery |

| 复原 | restoration |

| 康复 | rehabilitation |

| 挽回 | retrieval |

| 恢复期 | recovery period |

6. 总结:

recovery是指从不良状态中恢复到健康、正常状态的过程,可以用来描述人或物体。它的读音为 [rɪˈkʌvəri],读法为“ri-KUH-vuh-ree”。在句子中,它可以作为名词使用,也可以作为动词使用。它的相关词汇有recover, recoverable, recovered, recovering, recoverer等。recovery是一个常用词汇,在日常生活和商业领域都有广泛的应用。


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