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1. removed是什么意思?的解释:


2. removed是什么意思?读音读法:

removed的读音为 [riˈmuːvd],第一个音节重读。发音时,嘴唇微微向前伸出,舌头放松,发出长音[muː],然后快速发出[d]的爆破音。

3. removed是什么意思?的用例:

- The stain was removed from the carpet with a special cleaning solution.(这种污渍用特殊清洁剂从地毯上清除了。)

- He was removed from his position as CEO due to his unethical behavior.(由于他不道德的行为,他被解除了首席执行官的职务。)

- The sculpture was carefully removed from its packaging and placed on display in the museum.(这座雕塑被小心地从包装中取出,并在博物馆展示。)

- The doctor suggested that the patient's gallbladder should be removed to prevent further complications.(医生建议切除病人的胆囊以防止进一步并发症。)

- The company has decided to remove all artificial ingredients from their products to appeal to health-conscious consumers.(公司决定从产品中移除所有人工成分,以吸引健康意识的消费者。)

4. removed是什么意思?组词:

- removal (n.) 移除、清除

- removable (adj.) 可移除的、可拆卸的

- remover (n.) 清洁剂、去除剂

- unremoved (adj.) 未被移除的、未被清除的

5. removed是什么意思?的中英文对照:


英文:remove, clear, eliminate



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