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miserable什么意思? miserable翻译(中文文):痛苦的, 悲


miserable什么意思? miserable翻译(中文文):痛苦的, 悲


例句1:She lived a miserable life, always struggling to make ends meet. (她过着痛苦的生活,总是为了维持生计而挣扎。)

例句2:The weather was so miserable that we had to cancel our outdoor plans. (天气太糟糕了,我们不得不取消户外计划。)

例句3:He felt miserable after losing his job. (失业后,他感到很悲惨。)

例句4:The refugees were living in miserable conditions, with little food and shelter. (难民们生活在恶劣的条件下,食物和住所都很少。)

例句5:I hate this miserable weather! (我讨厌这种糟糕的天气!)


1. Unhappy: 表示不快乐或不满意的状态,程度较轻。

例句:She was unhappy with her grades, but she knew she could do better next time. (她对自己的成绩感到不满意,但她知道下次可以做得更好。)

2. Wretched: 表示极端悲惨、可怜或卑微的状态。

例句:The wretched conditions in the prison made the inmates' lives unbearable. (监狱里恶劣的条件让囚犯们的生活难以忍受。)

3. Miserable: 同时可表示上和物质上的痛苦。

例句:He was miserable after his wife left him and took all his money. (妻子离开并带走所有钱财后,他感到很痛苦。)

4. Distressed: 表示极度悲伤或心烦意乱的状态。

例句:The distressed mother searched for her missing child day and night. (焦虑的母亲日夜寻找失踪的孩子。)

5. Sorrowful: 表示悲伤、悲哀或忧伤的状态。

例句:She was sorrowful after the death of her beloved dog. (她心爱的狗去世后,她感到悲伤。)




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