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1. pull的意思是指用力或手段将某物移动或拉近的动作,也可以指通过用力或手段使某物移动或拉近的过程。

2. pull的读音读法为/pʊl/,音标为[pʊl]。

3. pull的用例:

(1) He pulled the door open and walked into the room.


(2) The little boy pulled his toy car along the ground.


(3) She pulled the rope to lift the heavy box.


(4) The horse pulled the carriage through the streets.


(5) He pulled out his wallet to pay for the meal.


4. pull的组词:

pull-up (引体向上), pull-down (下拉), pull-in (吸引), pull-out (拔出), pull-over (停车), pull-through (挺过困难), pull-up bar (引体向上杠铃), pull-down menu (下拉菜单), pullover sweater (套头毛衣)

5. pull的中英文对照:


英文:pull; drag; haul

6. 简单总结:



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