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might as well是什么意思,might as well的解释 - 英汉

一:might as well是什么意思,might as well的解释 - 英汉的意思

might as well是一个常用的英语短语,意为“不妨,还不如”。它可以用来表示建议或者提出某种可能性,也可以用来表示某种行为或做法是最好的选择。


might as well的音标为 [maɪt æz wɛl]。

might as well是什么意思,might as well的解释 - 英汉


1. 表示建议:在这种情况下,might as well可以替换为“why not”,用来提出一种可能性或建议。:

- You might as well try it.(你不妨试试。)

- We might as well go to the party.(我们不妨去参加这个派对。)

2. 表示最好的选择:在这种情况下,might as well可以理解为“最好”、“合适”的意思。:

- You might as well leave now, it's getting late.(你最好现在就走,时间已经很晚了。)

- We might as well wait for the rain to s before we go out.(我们最好等雨停了再出门。)


1. You might as well try the new restaurant, I heard their food is really good.(我听说那家新餐厅的食物很棒,你不妨去试试。)

2. We might as well take a taxi, it's faster than walking.(我们还不如坐出租车,比走路快。)

3. You might as well start studying now, the exam is in two weeks.(你最好现在就开始学习,考试就在两周后。)

4. We might as well ask for help, we can't do it on our own.(我们最好寻求帮助,我们自己做不了。)

5. He might as well quit his job, he's always complaining about it anyway.(他还不如辞职,他总是抱怨这份工作。)


1. may as well:与might as well意思相同,但may as well更加正式。

2. could just as well:可以替换为“might as well”或“may as well”,表示同样的意思。

3. might equally:可以替换为“might as well”或“could just as well”,表示同样的意思。


通过以上内容的介绍,我们可以看出might as well是一个常用的英语短语,它可以用来表示建议或者提出某种可能性,也可以用来表示某种行为或做法是最好的选择。它与may as well和could just as well都有着相似的意思,但使用场景略有不同。因此,在日常交流中多加练习使用这些短语,能够让你的表达更加地道、流利。


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