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put off是什么意思?

解释:put off是指推迟,延期,拖延的意思。

put off是什么意思?

读音读法:[pʊt ɒf]

put off是什么意思?


1. I can't put off this meeting any longer, it's important that we discuss these issues now.

2. The heavy rain has put off the outdoor concert, we'll have to reschedule it for another day.

3. He is always putting off his assignments until the last minute, causing unnecessary stress for himself.

4. We should put off making a decision until we have all the necessary information and have carefully considered all options.

5. The constant delays and excuses are really putting off potential investors from working with our company.

put off是什么意思?


1. put aside 搁置,把...放在一边

2. put up 推迟,提出,举起

3. put away 收起来,储存

4. put on 穿上,上演

5. put out 扑灭,发布

put off是什么意思?


put off - 推迟,延期

put aside - 搁置,把...放在一边

put up - 推迟,提出,举起

put away - 收起来,储存

put on - 穿上,上演

put out - 扑灭,发布

put off是一个非常常用且多义的词汇,在不同场景中都能灵活运用。它可以让我们更加灵活地处理事情,但有时候也会让我们感到厌烦和不耐烦。所以,在使用put off的同时,我们也要注意把握好时机和适当地处理事情,避免拖延导致后续问题。


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