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metal什么意思? metal翻译(中文文):金属 hellip

怎么读(音标): [ˈmɛtəl]

metal什么意思? metal翻译(中文文):金属 hellip

用法: metal是一个名词,指代一种固态的元素或合金,具有良好的导电和导热性能,常用于制造工业产品、建筑材料、装饰品等。


1. The car is made of metal and is very durable. 这辆车是由金属制成的,非常耐用。

2. The metal wires in the circuit are responsible for conducting electricity. 电路中的金属导线负责传导电流。

3. Iron, aluminum, and copper are common metals used in everyday life. 铁、铝和铜是日常生活中常用的金属。

4. The metal industry plays a crucial role in the economy of this country. 金属工业在这个的经济中起着关键作用。

5. The artist used various metals to create a unique sculpture. 艺术家使用多种金属来创作出独特的雕塑作品。


1. alloy: 合金,由两种或更多不同金属混合而成。:This car is made of a lightweight alloy.

2. steel: 钢,一种强硬耐用的合金材料。:The building's frame is made of steel.

3. bronze: 青铜,一种黄色的合金材料。:The statue was cast in bronze.

4. metalwork: 金属制品,指由金属材料制作的工艺品。:The metalwork on the gates is beautifully crafted.

5. metallic: 金属的,具有金属特性的。:The metallic taste in the water is due to the high iron content.




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