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mentality什么意思? mentality翻译(中文文):智力, 精神,

一:mentality什么意思? mentality翻译(中文文):智力, ,是指人们的心理状态或思维方式,也可以指某个群体或社会的共同心理特征。



mentality什么意思? mentality翻译(中文文):智力, 精神,


1. Her mentality is very positive and she always sees the bright side of things.(她的心态非常积极,总是看到事情的光明面。)

2. The company has a very competitive mentality, always striving to be the best in the market.(这家公司有着非常竞争性的心态,总是努力成为市场上最好的。)

3. The mentality of the younger generation is quite different from that of their parents.(年轻一代的心态与父母不同。)

4. The coach is trying to change the team's losing mentality and build a winning mindset.(教练正在努力改变球队失败的心态,建立一个胜利的思维模式。)

5. In some cultures, there is a strong mentality of collectivism, where individuals prioritize the needs of the group over their own.(在某些文化中,存在着一种强烈的集体主义心态,个人把群体的需求放在自己的需求之上。)

五:同义词及用法:mindset, attitude, outlook, perspective



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