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1. refrain是什么意思?的解释:


2. refrain是什么意思?读音读法:

refrain的读音为 [rɪˈfreɪn],其中“r”发音为浊辅音,“ɪ”发音为短元音,“eɪ”发音为长元音,“n”发音为清鼻音。

3. refrain是什么意思?的用例:

- The refrain of the song is so catchy that I can't get it out of my head.


- The politician's refrain during the campaign was “change for the better”.


- Whenever my boss asks me to work overtime, I always refuse with the same refrain: “I have plans tonight.”


- The poem has a beautiful refrain that repeats at the end of each stanza.


- The teacher had to constantly remind the students to refrain from using their phones during class.


4. refrain是什么意思?组词:

- refrainment (n. 克制,抑制)

- refrainer (n. 克制者,抑制者)

- unrefrained (adj. 不受限制的,无拘束的)

- refraining (v. 克制,抑制)

- refrained (adj. 已克制的,已抑制的)

5. refrain是什么意思?的中英文对照:

refrain: 反复出现的句子或乐句;重复段

read the refrain: 读副歌

the refrain of the song: 这首歌的副歌

political refrain: 口号

refrain from doing something: 克制/抑制做某事



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