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melody什么意思? melody翻译(中文文):悦耳的音调 hellip



例句:1. The melody of the song was so catchy that it stayed in my head all day. (这首歌的旋律非常吸引人,我整天都在哼唱。)

melody什么意思? melody翻译(中文文):悦耳的音调 hellip

2. The melody of the birds singing in the morning is one of my favorite sounds. (清晨鸟儿歌唱的旋律是我最喜欢的声音之一。)

3. She hummed a beautiful melody while she cooked dinner. (她在做晚餐时哼唱着一首美妙的旋律。)

4. The melody of the piano piece brought tears to my eyes. (钢琴曲的旋律让我感动得流下了眼泪。)

5. The melody of the wind chimes added a peaceful atmosphere to the garden. (风铃的旋律为花园增添了宁静的氛围。)

同义词及用法:tune, harmony, music, song



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