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meditation什么意思? meditation翻译(中文文):沉思, 冥




1. She sat in quiet meditation, trying to clear her mind of all thoughts. 她静静地坐着冥想,试图清空脑海中的所有思绪。

meditation什么意思? meditation翻译(中文文):沉思, 冥

2. Meditation can help reduce stress and increase mindfulness. 冥想可以帮助减轻压力,增加正念。

3. The monks spent hours in meditation each day, seeking enlightenment. 这些僧侣每天花几个小时进行冥想,寻求启迪。

4. I find that a morning meditation helps me start my day with a clear mind and positive intentions. 我早晨冥想可以帮助我以清晰的头脑和积极的意图开始新的一天。

5. Some people use meditation as a way to connect with their spiritual beliefs and find inner peace. 有些人把冥想作为与他们的信仰和寻找内心平静的方式。


1. Contemplation (n.) 沉思,深思熟虑

- She entered a state of deep contemplation, pondering the meaning of life. 她陷入了深思熟虑的状态,思考生命的意义。

- The artist's paintings often evoke a sense of contemplation and reflection. 这位艺术家的画作常常引发人们沉思和反思的感觉。

2. Reflection (n.) 反思,反省

- He spent the afternoon in quiet reflection, thinking about his past mistakes. 他整个下午都在静静地反省,思考自己过去犯过的错误。

- Writing in a journal can be a form of self-reflection and meditation. 写日记可以是一种自我反省和冥想的方式。

3. Mindfulness (n.) 正念,注意力集中

- Practicing mindfulness can help improve focus and reduce anxiety. 实践正念可以帮助提高注意力集中和减轻焦虑。

- She incorporates mindfulness into her daily routine through meditation and yoga. 她通过冥想和瑜伽将正念融入到每天的生活中。




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