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martial law是什么意思,martial law的翻译,martial law音

一:martial law是什么意思,martial law的翻译,martial law音的意思

martial law是指法,是指在处于紧急情况下,由接管权力,实施严格的管制和法律。它通常被用来、活动或其他严重的公共安全威胁。


/mɑːrʃəl lɔː/

martial law是什么意思,martial law的翻译,martial law音


martial law通常被用作名词,在句子中可以作为主语、宾语或定语。它也可以与动词be连用,如be under martial law(处于管制状态)。


1. The government declared martial law in response to the escalating protests. (宣布实施以应对不断升级的活动。)

2. Under martial law, citizens' rights and freedoms may be restricted for the sake of maintaining public order. (在管制下,为了维护公共秩序,公民的权利和自由可能会受到限制。)

3. The military has been given the authority to enforce martial law and arrest anyone who violates it. (方已获得执行和逮捕违反者的权力。)

4. The country has been under martial law for three days now, and the situation shows no signs of improvement. (这个已经处于状态三天了,情况并没有任何改善迹象。)

5. The president has promised to lift martial law as soon as the threat of terrorism is contained. (承诺在威胁得到后尽快解除。)


1. state of emergency:紧急状态,也指处于危机时期,可以暂时限制公民的权利和自由。

2. military rule:,指由掌控政权的状态。

3. curfew:宵禁,指在特定时间内公民外出的限制措施。

4. clampdown:,指采取强硬手段来活动或。

5. emergency powers:紧急权力,指为应对紧急情况而获得的特殊权力。


martial law是一种临时性的管制措施,在面临重大危机时可以被实施。它的目的是维护公共秩序和安全,并保护免受内部或外部威胁。虽然它可以有效地解决紧急情况,但也可能会给公民的权利和自由带来限制。因此,应该谨慎地使用martial law,并在危机解除后尽快解除它。


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