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manufacturer什么意思? manufacturer翻译(中文文):制造

怎么读(音标): [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərər]


manufacturer什么意思? manufacturer翻译(中文文):制造


1. The manufacturer of this car is known for its high-quality and reliable vehicles. 这辆车的制造商以其高质量和可靠的汽车而闻名。

2. The manufacturer has been in business for over 50 years and has a strong reputation in the industry. 这家制造商已经经营了50多年,在行业内享有很高的声誉。

3. Many manufacturers have shifted their production to overseas factories to reduce costs. 许多制造商已经将生产转移到海外工厂以降低成本。

4. The manufacturer offers a warranty on all of its products. 这家制造商为其所有产品提供保修服务。

5. The company is looking for a new manufacturer to produce their latest product line. 公司正在寻找一家新的制造商来生产他们最新的产品系列。


- Producer: 指生产者,也可以用来指代制造商。:The producer of this movie is known for his unique storytelling style.

- Maker: 指制造者,也可以用来指代制造商。:The maker of this furniture is known for using sustainable materials.

- Fabricator: 指加工者或者制作者,也可以用来指代制造商。:The fabricator of this metal structure did an excellent job.

- Creator: 指创造者,也可以用来指代制造商。:The creator of this new technology is a genius.

- Builder: 指建造者,也可以用来指代制造商。:The builder of this house used high-quality materials.




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