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1.refresh是指使(人)恢复,提神,使(人)振作。:The cool breeze refreshed us after the long walk.(长途跋涉后,凉爽的微风使我们恢复了。)

2.refresh是指更新,充实,改进。:The company needs to refresh its image to attract younger customers.(公司需要更新形象以吸引年轻客户。)

3.refresh是指重新加载或刷新网页,以显示最新的内容。:Please refresh the page to see the changes.(请刷新页面以查看更改。)

4.refresh是指恢复精力或活力。:A good night's sleep can refresh your mind and body.(一夜好眠可以让你的身心恢复活力。)

5.refresh是指清洁或擦拭表面,使其焕然一新。:I need to refresh my makeup before the party.(在聚会前我需要重新化妆一下。)




1. 他们在海边散步后感到疲惫不堪,但凉爽的海风让他们感觉焕然一新。

2. 这家餐厅需要更新菜单来吸引顾客。

3. 如果你的电脑出现问题,请尝试重新加载页面。

4. 她一整天都在忙碌工作,需要一个短暂的休息来恢复精力。

5. 我需要清洁我的书桌,让它焕然一新。


1. refreshment (n.) 提神之物,小吃;更新

2. refreshing (adj.) 令人耳目一新的;提神的

3. refreshingly (adv.) 令人耳目一新地;提神地

4. unrefreshed (adj.) 没有恢复精力的;没有更新的

5. refreshable (adj.) 可刷新的;可更新的


1.refresh是指使(人)恢复,提神,使(人)振作。:The cool breeze refreshed us after the long walk.

2.refresh是指更新,充实,改进。:The company needs to refresh its image to attract younger customers.

3.refresh是指重新加载或刷新网页,以显示最新的内容。:Please refresh the page to see the changes.

4.refresh是指恢复精力或活力。:A good night's sleep can refresh your mind and body.

5.refresh是指清洁或擦拭表面,使其焕然一新。:I need to refresh my makeup before the party.

1.refresh means to make (someone) feel better or more energetic, to revive. For example: The cool breeze refreshed us after the long walk.

2.refresh means to update, enrich, or improve. For example: The company needs to refresh its image to attract younger customers.

3.refresh means to reload or update a webpage in order to display the latest content. For example: Please refresh the page to see the changes.

4.refresh means to restore energy or vitality. For example: A good night's sleep can refresh your mind and body.

5.refresh means to clean or wipe a surface, making it look fresh and new again. For example: I need to refresh my makeup before the party.



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