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make out是什么意思,make out的解释

意思:make out是一个动词短语,可以有多种含义,主要是指理解、辨认、弄清楚、完成等。

make out是什么意思,make out的解释

怎么读(音标):[meɪk aʊt]

用法:make out通常作为及物动词使用,后面接名词或代词作宾语。也可以作为不及物动词,后面接介词短语作补足语。常见的搭配有make out with sb(和某人亲吻)、make out sth(辨认出某物)、make out to be sth(被认为是某物)、make out that(声称、表明)、make out of sth(用某物制作)等。


1. I can't make out what you're saying.(我听不清你在说什么。)

2. The doctor couldn't make out the cause of his illness. (医生无法找出他生病的原因。)

3. She made out that she was sick, but we all knew she was lying. (她声称自己生病了,但我们都知道她在撒谎。)

4. He made a kite out of some old newspapers and string. (他用一些旧报纸和绳子做了一个风筝。)

5. They were making out in the back seat of the car when their parents caught them. (当他们的父母时,他们正在车后座上亲吻。)


1. Figure out:理解、弄清楚,常用于解决问题或找出答案的过程中。

例句:I can't figure out how to use this new software.(我搞不懂怎么使用这个新软件。)

2. Comprehend:理解、领会,强调对知识、信息等的深入了解。

例句:It took me a while to comprehend the complexity of the situation.(我花了一些时间才理解这个复杂的情况。)

3. Discern:辨认、识别,强调通过观察或分析来事物的特征或区别。

例句:It's difficult to discern the difference between these two products.(很难辨认出这两种产品的区别。)

4. Accomplish:完成、实现,指完成一项任务或达成某个目标。

例句:She accomplished her goal of climbing Mount Everest last year.(她去年实现了登顶珠穆朗玛峰的目标。)

5. Make sense:有意义、讲得通,指某事物合乎逻辑或可被理解。

例句:His explanation doesn't make sense to me.(我听不懂他的解释。)


make out是一个常见的动词短语,可以有多种含义,主要是指理解、辨认、弄清楚、完成等。它可以作为及物动词或不及物动词使用,搭配也比较灵活。在使用时,可以根据具体情况选择合适的同义词来替换,以丰富语言表达。


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