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machine翻译(中文文):机器, 机械, 机动 hellip

一:machine翻译(中文文):机器, 机械, 机动 hellip 的意思

- 机器:指由人类设计和制造的能够执行特定任务的装置或设备,通常由电力或其他能源驱动。

- 机械:指用于转换能量、力量或运动的装置,包括各种工具、仪器和设备。

machine翻译(中文文):机器, 机械, 机动 hellip

- 机动:指具有活动性或可移动性的特性,可以灵活地改变位置或姿态。


- 机器:[məˈʃiːn]

- 机械:[məˈʃiːnɪkəl]

- 机动:[məʊˈvɪŋ]



- 机器通常指工业生产中使用的大型设备,也可以指任何能够执行特定任务的装置。

The factory is equipped with advanced machines to increase productivity. (这家工厂配备了先进的机器来提高生产效率。)

She has a washing machine that can also dry clothes. (她有一台洗衣机,还可以烘干衣服。)

- 机械主要指用于转换能量或力量的装置,也可以泛指各种工具和设备。

The engineer is responsible for maintaining the mechanical equipment in the factory. (工程师负责维护工厂的机械设备。)

He has a great interest in mechanical engineering. (他对机械工程非常感兴趣。)

- 机动可以指具有活动性或可移动性的特性,也可以指上的机动。

The robot has a high degree of mobility and can move freely in any direction. (这个机器人具有很高的活动性,可以在任何方向自由移动。)

The army has deployed its mobile units to the border. (已经将其机动部署到边境地区。)


1. The machine is used to produce plastic bottles at a high speed. (这台机器用于以高速生产塑料瓶。)

2. The mechanic repaired my car engine in just an hour. (这位技工仅用一小时就修好了我的汽车发动机。)

3. The dancer's movements were so graceful and fluid, like a well-oiled machine. (舞者的舞姿优美流畅,就像一台润滑良好的机器。)

4. The soldiers were trained to be part of the highly mobile infantry unit. (士们接受了训练,成为高度机动步的一员。)

5. The washing machine broke down and we had to wash our clothes by hand. (洗衣机坏了,我们不得不手洗衣服。)


- 机器的同义词包括:device, apparatus, equipment, appliance等。它们都可以指能够执行特定任务的装置或设备。

The new device has greatly improved the efficiency of our work. (这个新设备大大提高了我们的工作效率。)

The laboratory is equipped with advanced apparatus for conducting experiments. (实验室配备了先进的仪器来进行实验。)

- 机械的同义词包括:mechanism, contraption, gadget等。它们都可以指用于转换能量或力量的装置。

The mechanism of this clock is very complex. (这个钟表的机制非常复杂。)

He invented a strange contraption that can automatically feed his pet fish. (他发明了一个奇怪的装置,可以自动喂养他的宠物鱼。)

- 机动的同义词包括:mobile, agile, nimble等。它们都可以指具有活动性或可移动性的特性。

The mobile robot can easily move around obstacles and continue its task. (这个移动机器人可以轻松绕过障碍物,继续完成任务。)

She is very agile and can do a lot of complicated movements in her dance routine. (她非常灵活,可以在舞蹈节目中做出很多复杂的动作。)




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