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luggage room是什么意思,luggage room的翻译,luggage room


luggage room是指一间专门用来存放旅行箱、行李和其他物品的房间,通常位于酒店、机场、火车站等公共场所的大厅或者特定区域。它也可以被称为行李寄存处或者行李存放室。


luggage room的读音为/lʌɡɪdʒ ruːm/,其中“luggage”的发音为/lʌɡɪdʒ/,意为“行李”,“room”的发音为/ruːm/,意为“房间”。

luggage room是什么意思,luggage room的翻译,luggage room


luggage room通常用作名词,在句子中作主语、宾语或者介词短语的宾语补足语。:

- The hotel has a luggage room where guests can store their bags before check-in. (这家酒店有一个行李寄存处,客人可以在入住前将他们的行李存放在那里。)

- Please put your suitcase in the luggage room and pick it up when you check out. (请把你的手提箱放在行李寄存处,在你退房时再拿走。)

- I left my backpack in the luggage room and went to explore the city. (我把背包留在了行李寄存处,然后去探索这座城市。)


1. The airport has a large luggage room where travelers can store their suitcases and bags. (这个机场有一个大的行李寄存处,旅客可以在那里存放他们的手提箱和包裹。)

2. The hotel's luggage room is located on the ground floor, next to the reception desk. (酒店的行李寄存处位于一楼,在接待处旁边。)

3. I forgot to pack my toothbrush, so I had to go back to the luggage room to get it. (我忘记带牙刷了,所以我不得不回到行李寄存处去拿。)

4. The train station has a secure luggage room where you can leave your bags while you explore the city. (火车站有一个安全的行李寄存处,在你探索这座城市时可以把你的包包留在那里。)

5. The hotel offers a complimentary service of storing guests' luggage in the luggage room after check-out until they leave for their flight or train. (酒店提供免费服务,将客人退房后的行李存放在行李寄存处,直到他们离开前往飞机或火车。)


luggage room还可以用其他词汇来表达,:

- baggage storage:指专门用来存放旅行箱、行李和其他物品的房间或者柜子。

- cloakroom:指一间专门用来存放外套、雨伞等物品的房间。

- left-luggage office:指提供行李寄存服务的柜台或者房间。


luggage room是指一间专门用来存放旅行箱、行李和其他物品的房间,通常位于公共场所的大厅或者特定区域。它可以被称为行李寄存处或者行李存放室,读音为/lʌɡɪdʒ ruːm/。在句子中通常作名词使用,可以用来描述旅客存放行李的地方。同义词包括baggage storage、cloakroom和left-luggage office。


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