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low什么意思? low翻译(中文文):低, 低价, 牛叫声 hellip


low什么意思? low翻译(中文文):低, 低价, 牛叫声 hellip



1. The temperature is low today.(今天气温很低。)

2. The plane flew low over the city.(飞机在城市上空飞得很低。)

3. She has a low opinion of him.(她对他的看法很低。)


1. He speaks English very lowly.(他说英语说得不太好。)

2. The music was playing low in the background.(音乐在背景中播放得很小声。)

3. She has always been looked down upon by others, but she never lets it get her down too low.(她一直被别人瞧不起,但她从来没有让这影响到自己太多。)


1. The sun is sinking low in the sky.(太阳正在天空中下沉。)

2. The lows and highs of life make it worth living.(生活中的低谷和高峰让它值得一生追求。)


1. The volume of the music was turned down low so as not to disturb the neighbors.


2. He has a low tolerance for spicy food, so he always orders mild dishes at restaurants.


3. The company's profits hit a new low this quarter due to the decline in sales.


4. She felt a bit low after receiving the rejection letter, but she didn't let it discourage her.


5. The cows were grazing lazily in the field, their deep lows echoing through the countryside.



1. Small - 作为形容词,表示尺寸小或者数量少,也可以表示程度低。:The room is small.(房间很小。)She has a small chance of winning the competition.(她赢得比赛的机会很小。)

2. Lower - 作为形容词,表示位置或者水平较低,也可以表示程度或者价值较低。:The temperature is lower today.(今天气温更低。)He has a lower opinion of her now.(他对她的看法变得更低了。)

3. Cheap - 作为形容词,表示价格低廉,也可以表示质量差。:I bought this shirt for a cheap price at the store sale.(我在商店大减价时以便宜的价格买了这件衬衫。)The material used for this product is very cheap and easily breaks.(这种产品使用的材料非常廉价,很容易破损。)

4. Soft - 作为形容词,表示柔软、轻柔或者温和、柔和等特性,也可以表示音量较小或者力量不强大。:The blanket is soft to the touch and keeps you warm in winter.(这条毯子摸起来很柔软,在冬天能保暖。)She spoke in a soft voice so as not to wake up the baby.(她小声说话,不想吵醒婴儿。)

5. Inferior - 作为形容词,表示质量低劣或者地位低下,也可以表示比其他物体或者人差。:The quality of this product is inferior to that of its compes.(这种产品的质量比竞争对手的差。)He always feels inferior to his successful brother.(他总是觉得自己比成功的兄弟差。)




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