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lose是什么意思? lose翻译(中文文):遗失, 浪费, 错过 hellip



lose是什么意思? lose翻译(中文文):遗失, 浪费, 错过 hellip


1. I always lose my keys, I need to be more organized. (我总是丢钥匙,我需要更有条理。)

2. Don't lose hope, things will get better. (不要放弃希望,事情会变得更好。)

3. She lost her temper and yelled at him. (她发脾气大声责备他。)

4. We can't afford to lose any more time, let's get to work! (我们不能再浪费时间了,让我们开始工作吧!)

5. He lost his way in the forest and had to spend the night there. (他在森林中迷路了,不得不在那里过夜。)


1. Misplace: 意为“把…放错地方”,指无意中将东西放错了地方而找不到。

例句:I seem to have misplaced my glasses, I can't find them anywhere. (我好像把眼镜放错地方了,到处都找不到。)

2. Waste: 意为“浪费”,指无谓地消耗或使用过多的东西。

例句:Don't waste your money on unnecessary things. (不要把钱浪费在不必要的东西上。)

3. Miss: 意为“错过”,指未能参与或经历某件事情。

例句:I missed the train this morning because I overslept. (我今天早上错过了火车,因为睡过头了。)

4. Squander: 意为“挥霍”,指无节制地花钱或浪费资源。

例句:He squandered all his inheritance on gambling and parties. (他把所有的遗产都挥霍在和派对上了。)

5. Forfeit: 意为“失去”,指因违反规定或做出错误的决定而失去某物。

例句:He forfeited his chance of promotion by being late to work every day. (他每天迟到,放弃了晋升的机会。)




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