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look into是什么意思? look into翻译(中文文):窥视, 浏

怎么读(音标):[lʊk ˈɪntuː]

用法:look into是一个动词短语,表示“仔细研究、调查或检查某事物”。常用于正式场合,表示进行深入的探究或调查。


1. The police are looking into the case of the missing child. (正在调查这起失踪儿童的案件。)

look into是什么意思? look into翻译(中文文):窥视, 浏

2. We need to look into the matter before making a decision. (在做出决定之前,我们需要仔细研究这件事。)

3. The government has promised to look into the issue of rising housing prices. (已承诺会调查房价上涨的问题。)

4. I'll have my assistant look into booking flights for our business trip next week. (我会让我的助理帮忙预订下周出差的航班。)

5. She decided to look into alternative treatments for her chronic pain. (她决定研究一下治疗慢性疼痛的替代方法。)


编辑总结:look into是一个常用于正式场合的动词短语,表示进行深入的探究、调查或检查某事物。它的同义词包括investigate、examine、probe和explore等。在使用时,注意语境和语气,避免过于口语化。


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