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lightweight什么意思? lightweight翻译(中文文):轻量级


lightweight什么意思? lightweight翻译(中文文):轻量级



1. This backpack is made of lightweight material, so it won't add much weight to your luggage. 这款背包采用轻质材料制作,因此不会给你的行李增加太多重量。

2. She prefers to wear lightweight clothes in the summer to stay cool. 夏天她更喜欢穿轻薄的衣服来保持凉爽。

3. The new model of the car is designed to be more fuel efficient and lightweight. 这款新车型设计更加节能和轻便。

4. He is a lightweight boxer, but his speed and agility make up for his lack of power. 他是一名轻量级拳击手,但是他的速度和敏捷性弥补了他力量上的不足。

5. The company has launched a new line of laps that are both powerful and lightweight. 公司推出了一系列既强大又轻巧的笔记本电脑。


1. Light: 同样表示重量轻,但没有lightweight那么强调“轻巧”和“不占空间”的特点。:This suitcase is light, but it's still too heavy for me to carry.

2. Feathery: 比lightweight更加强调轻巧,常用来形容物品。:The dress is made of a feathery fabric, making it perfect for hot summer days.

3. Portable: 表示便于携带的特性,可以用来替换lightweight来形容物品。:The new speaker is very portable and easy to take with you anywhere.

4. Nimble: 与轻量级拳击手相关的词汇,表示敏捷和灵活的特性。:She is a nimble dancer, able to perform difficult moves with ease.

5. Airy: 同样表示轻巧,但更多用来形容衣服或房间等空间感觉。:The room is decorated in an airy style, making it feel more spacious.




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