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1.reflect是指反射、反映的意思。:The mirror reflects the light.(镜子反射光线。)

2.reflect是指表达、显示的意思。:His actions reflect his true character.(他的行为反映了他真实的性格。)

3.reflect是指考虑、思考的意思。:She needs time to reflect on her decision.(她需要时间来考虑她的决定。)

4.reflect是指回想、回顾的意思。:The book reflects on the author's childhood memories.(这本书回顾了作者童年时的记忆。)

5.reflect是指影响、作用的意思。:The economy reflects the government's policies.(经济反映了的。)


英 [rɪˈflekt]

美 [rɪˈflɛkt]


1. self-reflect (自我反省)

2. reflector (反光镜)

3. reflective (反射性强的)

4. reflection (反映,沉思)

5. reflectivity (反射率)


1.The mirror reflects the light.


2.His actions reflect his true character.


3.She needs time to reflect on her decision.


4.The book reflects on the author's childhood memories.


5.The economy reflects the government's policies.


1. reflect是一个动词,意思是“反射、反映”,它可以表示物体表面对光、声音等的反射,也可以表示思想、情感等的表达。

2. 这个词既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,具体用法取决于后面是否有宾语。

3. reflect常见搭配有:reflect on(思考、回顾)、reflect upon(反省)、reflect in(反映在)、reflect off(从…反射出来)等。

4. 在句子中,reflect常用于被动语态,表示某种状态或影响由某事物引起。

5. reflect也可以用作名词,意为“倒影、映像”,:His face appeared in the reflect of the water. (他的脸出现在水面的倒影中。)


1. The lake was so still that it perfectly reflected the mountains and sky.


2. His words reflected his disappointment with the company's performance.


3. It's important to take time to reflect on your actions and their consequences.


4. The movie reflects on the struggles of a single mother raising her child.


5. The high crime rate reflects the social issues in this city.




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