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leapyear什么意思? leapyear翻译(中文文):闰年 hellip


怎么读(音标):[liːp jɪr]


leapyear什么意思? leapyear翻译(中文文):闰年 hellip


1. This year is a leap year, so February will have 29 days instead of the usual 28. (今年是闰年,所以二月份将有29天而不是平常的28天。)

2. In the Chinese calendar, there is a leap year every three years. (在农历中,每三年会有一个闰年。)

3. The concept of leap year was introduced by Julius Caesar in the Roman calendar. (闰年的概念是由罗马共和国的凯撒大帝引入罗马日历的。)

4. My birthday falls on February 29th, which only happens in a leap year. (我的生日是在2月29日,这只会发生在闰年。)

5. Some people believe that having a leap year brings good luck and prosperity. (有些人认为闰年会带来好运和繁荣。)

同义词及用法:intercalary year、bissextile year、embolismic year都可以作为leapyear的同义词来使用。

编辑总结:leapyear是指每四年中增加一个额外的年份来调整日历与地球公转周期不同步的现象。它通常用作名词,表示闰年。在闰年中,二月份会多出一天,即29日。除了leapyear外,intercalary year、bissextile year、embolismic year也可以用来表示闰年。有些人认为闰年会带来好运和繁荣。


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