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ldquo 烽烟滚滚 rdquo 文翻译

一:ldquo 烽烟滚滚 rdquo 文翻译的意思


ldquo 烽烟滚滚 rdquo 文翻译


“烽烟滚滚”的拼音为 fēng yān gǔn gǔn,读作[fəŋ jɛn guːn guːn]。




1. 战场上,敌我双方的火力交织,烽烟滚滚,让人心惊胆战。

On the battlefield, the enemy and us exchanged fire, the thick smoke and flames made people tremble with fear.

2. 这个正处于动荡之中,各种势力角逐不休,局势如同一片混乱的“烽烟滚滚”。

This country is in a state of political turmoil, various forces are competing constantly, the situation is like a chaotic "flying smoke and rolling clouds".

3. 在经济危机的冲击下,企业内部也是烽烟滚滚,各种利益不断。

Under the impact of economic crisis, there is also a fierce struggle for interests within the company.

4. 这部电影讲述了一场惨烈的战争,战场上“烽烟滚滚”,令人触目惊心。

This movie tells a brutal war, where the thick smoke and flames on the battlefield are shocking.

5. 这个城市正在发生一场,街头“烽烟滚滚”,市民们纷纷躲避。

A riot is happening in this city, the streets are filled with thick smoke and people are hiding in fear.


1. 火光冲天:形容火势极大、火焰高涨的情况。

2. 烟尘弥漫:形容空气中充斥着浓重的烟雾和灰尘。

3. 局势混乱:指局面纷乱、无序或不稳定。

4. 势不两立:形容双方势力对立、互不妥协的情况。

5. 纷争不休:指持续不断的争斗或纠纷。




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