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1. pile是什么意思?


2. pile的用法和例句有哪些?

a) 作为名词,pile可以用来描述堆积在一起的物体,:

- There was a pile of books on the desk. (桌子上有一堆书。)

- The leaves were piled up in the corner. (叶子被堆放在角落里。)

b) 当表示“桩”时,pile通常与介词into连用,:

- The bridge is supported by piles driven into the riverbed. (这座桥是由打入河床的桩支撑着。)

- They are using steel piles to reinforce the foundation of the building. (他们正在使用钢桩加固建筑物的基础。)

c) 当表示“一大笔钱”时,pile通常与介词of连用,:

- He made a fortune and now has piles of money. (他发了大财,现在有一大笔钱。)

- She inherited piles of money from her parents. (她从父母那里继承了一大笔钱。)

3. pile是什么意思?pile的用法和例句有哪些?读音读法


4. pile是什么意思?pile的用法和例句有哪些?的用例

a) 作为名词,pile可以用来描述堆积在一起的物体,:

- The children made a pile of sand in the playground. (孩子们在操场上堆了一堆沙子。)

- There was a huge pile of laundry waiting to be washed. (有一大堆衣服等着洗。)

b) 当表示“桩”时,pile通常与介词into连用,:

- The workers are driving piles into the ground to build the new pier. (工人们正在打桩来建造新码头。)

- The old building had to be demolished because its piles were rotten. (这座旧建筑必须被拆除,因为它的桩已经腐烂了。)

c) 当表示“一大笔钱”时,pile通常与介词of连用,:

- He spent piles of money on his new car. (他花了一大笔钱买了新车。)

- They have piles of debt and are struggling to pay it off. (他们有一大笔债务,正在努力还清它。)

5. pile是什么意思?pile的用法和例句有哪些?组词

- pile up:堆积,积累

- pile on:增加,加重

- pile driver:打桩机

- airpiles:气垫桩

- stockpile:储备,贮存

6. pile是什么意思?pile的用法和例句有哪些?的中英文对照

pile是什么意思? - What does pile mean?

pile的用法和例句有哪些? - How is pile used? Can you give some examples?

读音读法 - Pronunciation of pile

的用例 - Examples of usage

组词 - Related words/word combinations

中英文对照 - Chinese and English comparison



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