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ldquo 望洋兴叹 rdquo 文翻译


一:ldquo 望洋兴叹 rdquo 文翻译的意思是对某件事情感到无能为力,只能望洋兴叹,表示无法解决或改变现状的无奈心情。

ldquo 望洋兴叹 rdquo 文翻译

二:怎么读(音标)wàng yáng xīng tàn



1. 每次看到那些贫困地区的孩子们艰难的生活条件,我都不禁望洋兴叹,希望有更多人可以伸出援手帮助他们。(Every time I see the difficult living conditions of children in impoverished areas, I can't help but feel helpless and hope that more people can lend a helping hand to them.)

2. 面对这场突如其来的,我们只能望洋兴叹,希望科学家们能够尽快找到有效的治愈方法。(Faced with this sudden epidemic, we can only feel helpless and hope that scientists can find effective treatments as soon as possible.)

3. 我曾经试图改变他人的想法和行为,但最终只能望洋兴叹,因为我无法别人的想法和选择。(I once tried to change others' thoughts and behaviors, but in the end, I could only feel helpless because I couldn't control their thoughts and choices.)

4. 面对老板的任性和不合理的要求,我们只能望洋兴叹,因为我们没有足够的权力去改变现状。(Faced with the boss's capricious and unreasonable demands, we can only feel helpless because we don't have enough power to change the situation.)

5. 在这个充满竞争和压力的社会,很多人都会望洋兴叹,觉得自己无法达到别人设定的标准。(In this competitive and stressful society, many people will feel helpless and think that they cannot meet the standards set by others.)


1. 感到无助:feel helpless

2. 无计可施:have no way out

3. 处于困境:be in a difficult situation

4. 无从下手:don't know where to start

5. 茫然若失:feel at a loss


ldquo 望洋兴叹 rdquo 文翻译是一种形容自己或他人在面对困境或难题时感到无能为力、无计可施的心情。它常用于口语表达,表达一种无奈和失望的情绪。在生活中,我们经常会遇到各种各样的困难和挑战,此时使用ldquo 望洋兴叹 rdquo 文翻译可以表达出我们的无奈和心情,也可以帮助我们释放内心的压力。同时,它也可以用来形容社会现状或他人行为给自己带来的困扰和挑战。总之,ldquo 望洋兴叹 rdquo 文翻译是一个具有强烈感染力的词汇,能够准确地表达出人们在面对困境时的心理状态。


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