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ldquo 有情人终成眷属 rdquo 文翻译

一:ldquo 有情人终成眷属 rdquo 文翻译的意思:



有情人终成眷属 (yǒu qíng rén zhōng chéng juàn shǔ)

ldquo 有情人终成眷属 rdquo 文翻译




1. 我们都相信有情人终成眷属,只要我们坚持不懈地努力,就一定能够走到一起。

We all believe that two people in love will eventually become a married couple, as long as we persistently work towards it.

2. 她们是大学时代的恋人,如今已经结为夫妻。真是有情人终成眷属啊!

They were lovers in college and now they're married. It's really true that two people in love will eventually become a married couple!

3. 他们经历了很多挑战,但最终还是走到了一起,真是有情人终成眷属。

They went through many challenges, but in the end they still ended up together. It's really true that two people in love will eventually become a married couple.

4. 我们都希望有情人终成眷属,但有时候命运会开玩笑,让我们错过了真爱。

We all hope that two people in love will eventually become a married couple, but sometimes fate plays tricks on us and we miss out on true love.

5. 虽然我们曾经分开过,但最终我们还是走到了一起。这就是有情人终成眷属的力量。

Even though we were separated before, we eventually ended up together. That's the power of two people in love becoming a married couple.


1. 有缘千里来相会 (yǒu yuán qiān lǐ lái xiāng huì):指两个人因为缘分而能够相遇相爱,并最终在一起结为夫妻。

2. 天作之合 (tiān zuò zhī hé):形容两个人天生就是一对,非常般配。

3. 鸳鸯比翼 (yuān yāng bǐ yì):比喻夫妻恩爱、相互依偎。


ldquo 有情人终成眷属 rdquo 是一句富有哲理的谚语,表达了对真爱的坚定信念和美好祝愿。它可以用来祝福两个相爱的人最终能够在一起结为夫妻,也可以用来形容两个相爱的人经历了种种困难和挑战,最终克服了一切障碍走到了一起。同时,它也可以与其他类似意义的谚语如“有缘千里来相会”、“天作之合”、“鸳鸯比翼”等搭配使用,共同传达对真爱的美好祝愿。希望每对有情人最终都能成为眷属,共度幸福生活。


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