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1.promoter是指促进者,推动者,特别是指在营销或宣传方面起作用的人或组织。:The company hired a promoter to help increase their sales.(这家公司雇佣了一名推广员来帮助增加销售额。)



(1)The promoter organized a concert to raise money for charity.


(2)The promoter of the new product used various advertising strategies to attract customers.


(3)As a promoter of healthy living, she encourages people to exercise regularly and eat nutritious food.


(4)The promoter of the event distributed flyers and posted on social media to attract more attendees.


(5)The company's success is largely due to the efforts of their dedicated promoters.


4.组词:promote (v. 促进,推广),promotion (n. 推广,宣传),promotional (adj. 促销的,推广的),promotee (n. 被提升者),promotable (adj. 可提升的)

5.promoter在中文中也可以翻译为“发起人”或“倡导者”,:The promoter of the project is determined to see it through to the end.(这个项目的发起人决心要将其进行到底。)



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