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ldquo 唇亡齿寒 rdquo 文翻译

Chun Wang Chi Han, a phrase from Chinese idiom, literally means "when the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold." It is used to describe a situation where two parties are mutually dependent on each other and will suffer if one of them is harmed or fails.

Pronunciation: /tʃʊn wæŋ tʃi hæn/


This phrase can be used to describe any kind of interdependent relationship, whether it is between individuals, organizations, or even countries. It emphasizes the importance of cooperation and mutual support in maintaining stability and prosperity.

ldquo 唇亡齿寒 rdquo 文翻译

Example sentences:

1. The two companies have been working together for years. As they say, Chun Wang Chi Han - if one fails, the other will suffer as well.

这两家公司已经合作多年了。正如人们所说,唇亡齿寒 - 如果一方失败,另一方也会受到影响。

2. The relationship between the two neighboring countries has always been tense. They need to realize that they are in a Chun Wang Chi Han situation and should work towards mutual understanding and cooperation.


3. In a marriage, both partners should remember that they are in a Chun Wang Chi Han situation. They should support each other through thick and thin.


4. The trade war between the two countries has caused economic turmoil for both. It is a classic example of Chun Wang Chi Han - when one suffers, the other will be affected as well.

两国之间的贸易战给双方都带来了经济动荡。这是一个典型的唇亡齿寒的例子 - 当一方受到影响,另一方也会受到影响。

5. The success of our project is dependent on the cooperation of all team members. Remember, Chun Wang Chi Han - if one fails to do their part, the whole project will suffer.

我们项目的成功取决于所有团队成员的合作。记住,唇亡齿寒 - 如果有人没有完成自己的任务,整个项目都会受到影响。


1. Interdependence

2. Mutual reliance

3. Symbiotic relationship

4. Mutual support

5. Coexistence

Editor's summary:

Chun Wang Chi Han is a powerful phrase that highlights the importance of cooperation and mutual support in any kind of interdependent relationship. It can be used to describe various situations and emphasizes the consequences of not working together towards a common goal. Remember, in a Chun Wang Chi Han situation, everyone must do their part to ensure success and stability for all parties involved.


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