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ldquo 吭哧 rdquo 文翻译

1. 吭哧 (gāng chī)

2. 用法:动词,形容物体发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音或人喘气的声音。

3. 例句:

ldquo 吭哧 rdquo 文翻译

1) 我听到门吭哧一声,就知道有人来了。

I heard a creak from the door and knew someone was coming.

2) 他跑得太快,已经开始吭哧喘气了。

He was running too fast and already starting to pant.

3) 那辆旧车在路上吭哧作响,似乎随时会坏掉。

The old car was creaking on the road, it seemed like it could break down at any moment.

4) 她用力把箱子拖过来,箱子发出吭哧的声音。

She dragged the suitcase over with effort, making a creaking sound.

5) 我听到房间里有人在吭哧喘气,但是看不到谁。

I heard someone panting in the room, but couldn't see who it was.

4. 同义词及用法:

- 喘气 (chuǎn qì): 动词,形容因为运动或累而呼吸急促的声音。例句:他跑步跑得太快,已经开始喘气了。He was running too fast and already starting to gasp for breath.

- 咯咯 (gē ge): 动词,形容小动物发出的声音。例句:小鸡在笼子里咯咯叫着。The little chicks were chirping in the cage.

- 嘎吱 (gā zhī): 动词,形容物体发出的刺耳的声音。例句:门锁坏了,每次开门都会发出嘎吱的声音。The lock was broken, and it made a creaking sound every time the door was opened.

5. 编辑总结:

ldquo 吭哧 rdquo 是一个形容物体或人发出声音的动词,常用来形容门、车、箱子等物体发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音,或人因为运动或累而喘气的声音。它可以和 ldquo 喘气 rdquo 、ldquo 咯咯 rdquo 、ldquo 嘎吱 rdquo 等同义词替换使用。在写作中,可以通过上下文来选择合适的词语来描述相应的情景。


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