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一:lateral是什么意思,lateral的解释 的意思是侧面的,横向的,与主轴垂直的。

二:怎么读(音标)lateral [ˈlætərəl]


三:用法 lateral作为形容词时,常用来描述物体或者运动方向与主轴垂直的情况。作为名词时,常指身体的侧面或者横向运动。


1. The lateral movement of the car caused it to swerve off the road. 汽车的横向运动导致它偏离了道路。

2. The doctor examined the patient's lateral movement to check for any abnormalities. 医生检查了病人的侧面运动以查看是否有异常。

3. The lateral view of the building showed its unique architecture. 建筑物的侧面视图展示了它独特的建筑风格。

4. The football player's quick lateral movement helped him avoid the defender and score a goal. 足球运动员快速的横向移动帮助他躲过防守队员并得分。

5. The company is looking for a candidate with strong lateral thinking skills to join their team. 公司正在寻找一位具有强大横向思维能力的候选人加入他们的团队。

五:同义词及用法 横向的,侧面的,侧向的,侧面的。这些词可以作为lateral的同义词来使用。:

1. The lateral movement of the ship was affected by the strong winds. 船只的横向运动受到了强风的影响。

2. The building has a unique lateral design that sets it apart from the others. 这座建筑有着独特的横向设计,使它与其他建筑物不同。

3. The car's lateral collision caused significant damage to both vehicles. 汽车之间的侧面碰撞导致两辆车都受到了重大损坏。

4. She has a good lateral thinking ability, which helps her come up with creative solutions to problems. 她具有良好的横向思维能力,这有助于她想出创造性的解决方案来解决问题。




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