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lantern翻译(中文文):灯笼, 提灯, 幻灯 hellip





1. The lanterns were hung up along the streets for the festival. (为了庆祝节日,灯笼被挂在街道上。)

lantern翻译(中文文):灯笼, 提灯, 幻灯 hellip

2. She carried a lantern to light her way in the dark. (她提着灯笼在黑暗中照明。)

3. The old man sat on the porch, smoking his pipe and watching the lanterns flicker in the night. (老人坐在门廊上,抽着烟,看着夜晚中灯笼闪烁。)

4. The lantern festival is a traditional celebration in many Asian countries. (灯笼节是许多亚洲的传统节日。)

5. The children were excited to release their lanterns into the sky and watch them float away. (孩子们兴奋地放飞他们的灯笼,看着它们飘走。)


1. lamp: 一种用来发光的装置,通常指电灯或油灯。

例句:She turned on the lamp to read her book at night.

2. flashlight: 手电筒,一种便携式的电池供电的小型照明设备。

例句:We used a flashlight to find our way through the dark cave.

3. beacon: 灯塔,一种高大的灯笼式结构,用来指示航行方向。

例句:The sailors relied on the beacon to guide their ship safely into the harbor.

4. candle: 蜡烛,一种用蜡制成的燃烧物,通常用于照明或庆祝活动。

例句:She lit a candle to create a romantic atmosphere for their dinner.

5. lantern festival: 灯笼节,一种传统的庆祝活动,通常在春节期间举行。

例句:The lantern festival is a popular event in many Chinese communities around the world.




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