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ladder什么意思? ladder翻译(中文文):梯子, 阶梯, 袜子


ladder什么意思? ladder翻译(中文文):梯子, 阶梯, 袜子



1. He used a ladder to reach the of the building. 他用梯子爬到了建筑物的顶部。

2. The children were playing on the ladder in the playground. 孩子们在游乐场上玩梯子。

3. She wore a pair of colorful ladders with her new dress. 她穿着一双色彩缤纷的袜子配上新裙子。

4. The workers used a ladder to fix the roof of the house. 工人们用梯子修理房顶。

5. He climbed up the career ladder quickly and became a successful businessman. 他迅速攀登职业阶梯,成为一名成功的商人。


1. Staircase - 楼梯,常指室内的楼梯。:She ran down the staircase to answer the door.

2. Step - 台阶,指逐步向上或向下移动。:She took one step at a time on the steep mountain trail.

3. Sock - 袜子,与ladder同义,但通常指成对穿着的袜子。:He put on his favorite socks before going to bed.

4. Climbing - 攀登,与ladder作为动词的用法类似。:The hiker was climbing the mountain with great determination.

5. Elevator - 电梯,与ladder相反,指室内的上下升降设备。:She pressed the button for the elevator to go up to the 20th floor.




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