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1. proceeds怎么读?


2. proceeds怎么读?proceeds是什么意思


3. proceeds怎么读?proceeds是什么意思的用例

1) The proceeds from the charity event will be donated to a local orphanage.


2) The company's annual proceeds have increased by 10% compared to last year.


3) The proceeds of the sale will be used to fund the construction of a new school.


4) She donated all the proceeds from her book sales to support environmental protection.


5) We cannot proceed with the project until we receive the necessary funds.


4. proceeds怎么读?proceeds是什么意思组词

- proceed with sth. 继续进行某事

- net proceeds 纯收益

- share in the proceeds 分享收益

- proceed against sb. 对某人采取法律行动

- proceeds of crime 犯罪所得

5. proceeds怎么读?proceeds是什么意思的中英文对照

proceeds [prəˈsiːdz] n. 收入,盈利;继续进行,前进

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结



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