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king of the Castle是什么意思? king of the Castle翻译(

一:king of the Castle是什么意思? king of the Castle翻译(的意思是指一个人或者一件事物处于最高地位或者最强势的状态,类似于“王者”或者“霸主”。

king of the Castle是什么意思? king of the Castle翻译(

二:怎么读(音标):[kɪŋ əv ðə ˈkæsl]



1. He is the king of the castle in his company, with everyone looking up to him for guidance. (他在公司里是无人能敌的,每个人都仰慕他的指导。)

2. After winning the championship for five consecutive years, they have become the undisputed kings of the castle in the sports world. (连续五年夺得冠后,他们已经成为体育界无可争议的霸主。)

3. As a student in his class, he is used to being the king of the castle and always excels in academic competitions. (作为班级里的尖子生,他习惯了成为王者,并总是在学术比赛中取得优异成绩。)

4. The new CEO has taken over and become the king of the castle, making major changes to the company's strategy. (新任CEO接管了公司,成为了新的王者,并对公司的战略进行了重大改变。)

5. She may be small in size, but she is definitely the king of the castle in the playground, bossing around all the other kids. (她可能个子小,但在操场上她绝对是霸主,指挥着其他孩子们。)

五:同义词及用法:类似于king of the Castle的短语还有“ruler of the roost”、“ dog”、“ banana”等,都指某人或某物处于最高地位或者最强势的状态。

六:编辑总结:king of the Castle这个短语常用来形容某人或某物处于最高地位或者最强势的状态,在日常生活中也经常被使用。如果要使用这个短语,可以根据具体情况来选择合适的场景和语境。同时,也可以通过使用同义词来增加表达的多样性。


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