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jump什么意思? jump翻译(中文文):跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳 hellip

一:jump什么意思? jump翻译(中文文):跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳 hellip

jump什么意思? jump翻译(中文文):跳跃, 上涨, 惊跳 hellip





1. 作为不及物动词,表示向上快速移动或从一个位置移动到另一个位置。:The cat jumped onto the table. (猫跳上了桌子。)

2. 作为及物动词,表示跳过某个障碍物或者从高处落下。:He jumped the fence to get into the garden. (他越过篱笆进入花园。)

3. 也可以指代突然的行动或变化,常与into连用,表示突然开始做某事。:She jumped into action when she heard the alarm. (她听到报后立刻采取行动。)

4. 在体育运动中,jump也可以指代跳高、跳远等项目。:She can jump over two meters in high jump. (她能在跳高项目中跃过两米。)


1. The children were jumping up and down with excitement. (孩子们兴奋地跳来跳去。)

2. The athlete jumped over the hurdle effortlessly. (运动员轻松地越过了障碍物。)

3. She jumped into the pool to cool off from the hot weather. (她跳进游泳池里,从炎热的天气中冷静下来。)

4. The stock market has been jumping up and down all week. (股市这周一直在起伏不定。)

5. He jumped at the opportunity to travel abroad for work. (他抓住了出国工作的机会。)


1. Leap: 指向上或向前跃进,通常指更大的距离和力量。:The deer leaped over the fence effortlessly. (鹿轻松地跃过了篱笆。)

2. Bound: 指快速有力地移动,通常指连续的动作。:The dog bounded towards its owner when he called its name. (主人叫它名字时,狗向他快速走来。)

3. Hop: 指用一条腿或两条腿轻快地移动,通常指小范围的移动。:The bunny hopped around in the garden happily. (兔子在花园里欢快地跳来跳去。)

4. Skip: 指用轻快的步伐快速移动,通常指跳过某个障碍物。:She skipped over the puddle to avoid getting her shoes wet. (她跳过水坑,避免鞋子湿了。)




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